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About Unlock - Stories
About Unlock - Stories

A story from the Salvation Army in Halifax:-

Experience the Bible

Salvation army worker taking with a man sitting on the ground, eating

From Major Paul McNally of the Salvation Army, Halifax (used with permission). 'I've been using your 'Experience The Bible' series with a small group of people who attend our free 'community meal' for people on low incomes. Today has been the 4th week, and I just wanted to let you know how helpful I find the format and the introductory questions. It really is an excellent resource, and I'm very grateful to you for compiling it, and making it available free through the internet. The people who attend do not have a church background, so I spent some time looking for just the right material to use with this new group; 'Experience The Bible' has proved very quickly to be exactly the right material! Praise God and thank you!'

Refurbished mill buildings in Halifax, Yorkshire