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Supporting Unlock
Supporting Unlock


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 Legacy leaflet front cover

How to leave a gift to Unlock in your will

Your gift can bring God's gift of Good News & New Life to some of the UK's most marginalised urban communities.

Thank you for considering leaving a gift to Unlock in your will. Legacies to registered charities are exempt from inheritance tax.

Leave a gift to Unlock in your Will and help set people in our UK cities free to discover how they are already part of God's story.


We are the only charity specialising in Bible engagement in the poorest urban communities in the UK and a legacy to Unlock can ensure that the Gospel is set free amongst urban oral learners.


What your gift could achieve

Unlock's mission is to:-


  1. Unlock real life stories of urban people
  2. Reveal Good News of the Down to Earth Christ
  3. Release life giving skills and confidence

You will be helping to release the Gospel into these communities; bringing God's grace, freedom from oppression, new life and hope to people in need.


Legacy gifts of the past have already helped us achieve so much:


For stories of the impact of Unlock's work look here:


How to leave us a gift in your Will

Leaving a legacy gift is an important decision, but it doesn't have to be complicated. Here are the basics:


  1. State in your Will that you would like to leave a gift to Unlock. We recommend using a solicitor or professional will-writer to make sure your Will is legal and valid.
  2. Include our full name, to make sure the money goes to the right place: Unlock, Registered Charity Number 313454.
  3. If you have already written us into your Will, we're very grateful and would love it if you could let us know.

What types of gifts can you leave?

It's possible to make many different types of gifts in a Will, and we will be so grateful for every single one.


Here are a few types of gifts you can leave us in your Will:


  1. A share of your estate. After you've provided for your family and friends, you can leave a share, or the remainder, of your estate to us. This is called a ‘residuary gift'.
  2. Cash gift. This is when you leave an exact sum of money to us. It's known as a ‘pecuniary gift'.
  3. A specific gift. This might be any individual item of property, ranging from jewellery to land or buildings.
  4. A gift in trust. You can leave a gift for someone to use over a period of time. When the time has ended, the gift can be passed on to other recipients, such as a charity.
Help us bring forward the day when the Gospel has been Unlocked in the urban communities of the UK.


For more information on legacy giving download our information pack

If you would like to talk with someone about leaving Unlock a donation in your will please contact the Unlock National Office: 01709 380 318(Mondays and Thursdays only)



 Sketch - Unlocking the door

Ways to Give

Supporters can choose from a number of ways to help raise funds for Unlock:-


Donations; regular, or one off; can be made through our donations page



If you are shopping on Amazon you can support Unlock at no extra cost by using this link:



Give as You Live - For On-line Shoppers

Give as you live logo


Would you like to support Unlock every time you shop online at no cost to you and no cost to us? With Give as You Live, thousands of major brands including Play.com, John Lewis and Expedia have signed up to donate a percentage of every purchase you make online to Unlock. The average shopper will raise £2.10 per month through what they already buy online. Give as You Live is easy to set -up and use. Simply visit Give as You Live at www.giveasyoulive.com/join/unlock for full details, try it today and help raise valuable funds for Unlock.

If you want to talk to someone about this contact Ella at the Unlock National office
Tel:01709 380 318