We are looking for some NEW places to do some Unlock work
At Unlock we are working to rebuild our local partnership network after the pandemic years. To do this we are looking for new local partners; churches, or local groups; who would like to grow their ability to: -
Unlock real life tories of urban people
Reveal Good News of the down to earth Christ
Realease life changing skills and confidence
We really want to do more.
We are looking for churches or groups in UK cities who are willing to work with us to develop new Unlock local partnerships. If you want to know more about this please see below and then contact the Unlock Office.
Why local partnerships?
Unlock appoints Local Discipleship Development Workers to fulfil its vision to work with churches of any denomination to relate the Good News of the Down to Earth Christ to the people around them.
Unlock is especially concerned with communication in a traditional tabloid (non-book, 'text shy', or urban working class) culture - oral learners, or "people who can read but prefer not to", within the UK's inner cities and housing estates.
Unlock has a network of local workers who are able to develop local small groups, lead workshops and training events and provide consultancy.
These Local Workers...
- work to enable the development of local leaders and increased confidence about sharing the Good News
- listen to local people and deveop approaches that really meet their needs
- ensure that greater use is made of Unlock's distinctive approach to learning, and the free materials it has developed over the last five decades, by providing a locally based resource person, offering mentoring and training, consultancy, workshops and training events.
- further develop Unlock's materials and methods, through creative work and from practical experience gained in different urban situations.
- inform Christians in general about what Unlock is and does, and raise support for the work where possible (including financial support).
How to become an Unlock local worker
The following documents outline the main principles of the training Unlock provides and the local worker job desciption.
Support for Unlock local workers
Sometimes the work of an Unlock worker can feel isolated. You may be working far from the National Office and only see other Unlock workers very occasionally. It is important that you feel supported in your work for Unlock and there are a number of ways we try to achieve this.
Former Unlock Cardiff