A story from Unlock Hull:-
Coming Out of the Kitchen:
“I remember an event about the Exodus and I didn’t want to be involved. I wanted to stay in the kitchen instead cos I thought that was my place. Andy dragged me out though and told me it was time for me to get out of the kitchen! He asked me if I’d ever had an experience of moving or escaping from somewhere. I told my story of how I moved from Hessle Road to Preston Road when I was 7 and how it felt like entering the Promised Land.
I’d never seen hot running water before or so much green space, or had an indoor loo! One memory of my sister is very clear; of her perched on a lorry with tea cosy on her knee and a kitten sitting in it. She was only little and she had a big beam on her face. We ended up keeping the kitten.
It felt good and bad to tell this part of my story. It was something I hadn’t thought of much. A forgotten memory. There was happiness in it but also some pain. It was the first time I realised that the Bible had anything to do with my life. Another woman talked about the time she left her husband. It was a healing thing for both of us.”
Current stories...
God Thinks I'm Alright
It's Good Enough for Anyone
Square Peg in a Round Hole
Coming Out of the Kitchen
Even the Smallest of Things
It's Not My Fault
Finding God's Story Within your Own
Level of Discomfort
Tears at School
Water into Lost Coin
Bicycle (Relationship) Repair Man
Experience The Bible