A story from Unlock Hull:-
A Square Peg in a Round Hole:
It was during one of the early EUTP Festivals (Unlock used to be know as EUTP) when Stuart Robinson (then curate of St Martin’s) led a Bible Study as part of his post-ordination training that I had a kind of Damascus experience.
He gave us a passage and asked us “What do you feel?” It was the first time someone had related a Bible passage to our lives and it had a huge impact on me.
Some time later Andy Dorton had a meeting at his house where Bill Bullen came to speak with Jim Hart. As Bill spoke everything he said made complete sense. All the things I’ve felt instinctively had a grounding.
I’d struggled at theological college and often twagged off. I felt a square peg in a round hole. When Jenny Richardson came to do some training with us much later on, she made me feel much better about myself. All the things I did instinctively Jenny explained. She put the meat on the bones if you like.

Unlock did for me what, the theory is, we do for others. It helped my theological development. And what was the most exciting thing, above all, was watching people blossom and seeing them express themselves. It’s a levelling thing. It’s not the one with the degree who leads but the one with the story.

Current stories...
Not Just In Cities
Scratching where we are itching
God Thinks I'm Alright
It's Good Enough For Anyone
A Square Peg in a Round Hole
Coming Out of the Kitchen
Even The Smallest of Things
It's Not My Fault
Finding God's Story within our Own
Level of Discomfort
Tears at School
Water into Lost Coin
Bicycle Relationship Repair Man
Experience the Bible