Unlock's basic approach has remained the same over the years but the content has developed in exciting ways to make sure the material is always relevant to the world in which we live. Complex issues are explored in a simple and straightforward way that is accessible to all, especially oral leaners.
Most recently St Oswald's have used the 'Unlocking Feelings' resource - 6 reflections and activities exploring emotions. The feedback from the groups that used it was that "the studies on emotions were easy to engage with and we all agreed it would be good to use more materials from Unlock Urban in the future". And, "as an outward looking fellowship wanting to get involved with our local community Unlock material really seems to scratch right where we are itching!"

Current stories...
Not Just In Cities
Scratching where we are itching
God Thinks I'm Alright
It's Good Enough For Anyone
A Square Peg in a Round Hole
Coming Out of the Kitchen
Even The Smallest of Things
It's Not My Fault
Finding God's Story within our Own
Level of Discomfort
Tears at School
Water into Lost Coin
Bicycle Relationship Repair Man
Experience the Bible