A story from Another Place:-
Bicycle (Relationship) Repair Man
A few weeks ago we had a number of people come along to the community garden for the morning - we did a little bike repair workshop (with much drinking of tea and eating of cake), and then talked a little bit about forgiveness and repairing our relationships. One of the guys talked about how his relationship with his mother had recently broken down - we ended up praying for him together which was fantastic. He wouldn't call himself a Christian, but he called me yesterday and asked if I could get him a Bible to have, saying that he has never felt so peacful in his life and wants to find out more about Jesus.
Current stories...
God Thinks I'm Alright
It's Good Enough for Anyone
Square Peg in a Round Hole
Coming Out of the Kitchen
Even the Smallest of Things
It's Not My Fault
Finding God's Story Within your Own
Level of Discomfort
Tears at School
Water into Lost Coin
Bicycle (Relationship) Repair Man
Experience The Bible