A story from Unlock Liverpool:-
God Thinks I'm Alright:
After preparing the veg together and putting the soup on to simmer, I asked, 'Have you ever made something that you are proud of?' Given the nature of the group, the responses were quite amazing, including re-upholstering a 3 piece suite and carving book ends that are still used some 20 years on. 'How did you feel?' was the next question, to which someone responded 'Kinda too big on the inside, like there wasn't enough room for how pleased I was and I might burst.' We shared a few more experiences and then went through a pictorial account of the creation story. Finishing by saying that when God made all those things and when he made each of us, He thought it was good, He probably had the same feelings you did when you were pleased with what you made'... there was a moments silence, one of those holy feeling pauses, then, reverently, 'That's boss, that is. God thinks I'm alright.'

Current stories...
Not Just In Cities
Scratching where we are itching
God Thinks I'm Alright
It's Good Enough For Anyone
A Square Peg in a Round Hole
Coming Out of the Kitchen
Even The Smallest of Things
It's Not My Fault
Finding God's Story within our Own
Level of Discomfort
Tears at School
Water into Lost Coin
Bicycle Relationship Repair Man
Experience the Bible