- 2024 Unlock Update >>
- Unlock Impacts >>
- Unlock presentation 2023 - fundraising version >>
- Who we are and what we do (2021)>>
Unlock@50 - Birthday Celebrations
(A larger version is available for downloading.)
Who are we?
Unlock is a non denominatial Christian charity that was founded in 1972. It exists to support urban churches of any denomination in responding to the oportunities and challenges in their areas. We are especially concerned with facilitating Bible engagement within 'traditional tabloid' ('non-book', 'oral learners', or 'text-shy') cultures.
What do we do?
As well as deploying Unlock Local Partnership workers to enable local Christians to reach and engage their communities, we provide training and publish a variety of group Bible study packs. 'Unlock more than you think' and 'Unlock DIY' will give you more ideas about using Unlock’s methods.
You will find them on the Resources Page >>
What don’t we do?
We don’t offer pre-packaged answers. Each community has to work creatively within its own unique situation, and we offer to support and resource that process. What we do will depend on the need being felt. We’ll try to find someone from our team of workers to work with you!
Back in February 2020 Unlock' Chief Officer, Dawn Lonsdale, was interviewed on BBC Radio Norfolk by Kirsteen Thorne. The interview expains what Unlock does and how we do it. You can listen to it here.
Unlock Stories -
- Unlock short stories 2022 >>
- Mary's Moments (the story of a journey from relationship to (...)
- The Heart of the Estate 2018 >>
- An Unlock worker remembers >>
- and explanations
More information
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Unlock, by various names, has been around since 1972, trying to help (mainly) urban Christians to understand and share their faith appropriately. Our life experience matters; our stories; our joys and sorrows. The Bible has plenty to say - more than we'll ever know - about our lives if we know how to read it and apply it... if we know how to UNLOCK it! |
Evangelism is social action because it is changed people that change the world - John Stott.
A story from Liverpool:-
title: Water into Lost Coin
I have learnt from others that have been involved in Urban Non-book Bible group learning the importance of listening to the group's stories and adapting sessions to their experiences rather than sticking rigidly to planned outlines. That was true with a pre-Christmas session. The planned session was around the theme of 'Celebration' but in response to the opening question the participants told stories about expense, debt and trying to make ends meet. The Bible story I had prepared, the Wedding at Cana, didn't resonate very well, so we talked about the widow's lost coin instead.